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Professional horseman, Byron Hogan, operates an elite training program in Weatherford, TX where he specializes in training and showing Reined Cow Horses.  He has spent a lifetime mastering a unique skill set in communication between horse and human.  His skill set is sought after by many disciplines of the equine industry including:  Grand Prix Horses, Polo Horses, Barrel Horses, Rope Horses, and the versatile Cow Horse.  Come and see how Byron uses the fundamentals of a solid training program with all horses.




Byron's background with horses started while growing up in the Oklahoma Panhandle.  His grandfather was a businessman and rancher that instilled both work ethic and cowboy lifestyle into Byron's childhood. His mother further fueled this passion making sure there was always a horse around for him to train and show.


Fast forward to today, Byron is known for producing horses that are useful both inside the performance arena and outside in an actual working environment.  Byron has spent a lifetime mastering a unique skill set in communication between horse and human.  He has traveled the country to put on clinics and workshops.  Most recently as he’s been taking more horses in training, he has also been hosting many private clinics and events at his Weatherford residence.   As a clinician, he has helped riders to find confidence in learning advanced maneuvers and refinement.  He has also worked in program development where he’s utilized horses to serve the underserved.



I appreciate a direct clinician that can challenge your abilities and yet offer encouragement. We all know it can look and feel "ugly". Yet it's hard to get frustrated with Byron's incredibly positive approach. I truly believe it's his work within Emotional Intelligence that bridges this gap. The humor helps too! I recently rode in three clinics, cow trac, Ranch Riding and Trail and left much improved with lots of homework. I highly recommend participating in any of his clinics. You'll work hard but the rewards are great!

-Nikki B



997 Young Bend  Road

Weatherford, TX 76087

‪(682) 235-6446‬

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