Byron Hogan is an elite, sought after horse trainer and master communicator for both horse and human. Currently, Byron operates his professional training program out of Weatherford, TX. His skill set is sought after by many disciplines of the equine industry including: Grand Prix horses, Polo horses, Barrel horses, Rope horses, and the ever so versatile Cow horse. He has traveled the country to put on both clinics and workshops. Most recently as he’s been taking on more horses in training, he has also been hosting many private clinics and events at his Weatherford residence. Byron has spent a lifetime mastering a unique skill set in communication between horse and human.


Byron's background with horses started while growing up in the Oklahoma Panhandle. His grandfather was a businessman and rancher that instilled both work ethic and cowboy lifestyle into Byron's childhood. His mother further fueled this passion making sure there was always a horse around for him to train and show, and as a youngster sometimes he even tried his hand at training the goats.
After getting a degree in Animal Sciences from Panhandle State University, Byron started a horse training business in Amarillo, TX. As an avid horseman he decided to test his skills at the inaugural Extreme Mustang Makeover in Fort Worth Texas. This is when Byron really dug in and began to look into the psychology of horse training. He would later become the 2010 Reserve Champion of the first Supreme Extreme $100,000 Mustang Makeover.
Byron then went on to work in program development for the Mustang Heritage Foundation, using Mustangs to serve the underserved. He has created programs that have been used in schools, juvenile detention, with military veterans and many other at risk groups. Thanks to these programs and others there have been thousands of wild horses rehomed. Through these rehoming and adoption efforts he has been responsible for productions like Mustang Million (as seen on TV), Mustang Magic, Veterans & Mustangs, Camp Wildfire and much more.
Since his time in program development and event production, Byron has gone back to his first love of training horses. He is excited about his residence in Weatherford, TX right in the heart of horse country. The future is bright and he’s extremely excited about his upcoming cow horse futurity prospects! Hogan Equine is a turn key training program that offers everything from training, showing, sales prep, photography, videography, and marketing.
Byron is known for producing horses that are useful both inside the performance arena and outside in an actual working environment. Byron has taken the plunge into many facets of the horse industry. In the SHOT and ASHA organizations he was able to secure year end national titles in both organizations in the open division, on a wild horse. He was proud to train a 2018 filly named Shining Ruby Lena, who went on to become a 2021 NRCHA Open Futurity Finalist, under Boyd Rice and owners Perry and Abrian Bass. This mare is still showing today, which is a testament to the fundamentals of a solid training program
With a vast knowledge of horses and psychology, Byron has been a crucial consultant in other equine assisted organizations, horse training businesses, and even film projects. The latest project he consulted on is a feature length film, Chasing Wild, soon to be released. Chasing Wild focuses on the connection between a wild horse and some troubled young men who must learn to communicate if they are going to succeed as a team.

With a lifetime of horse training skills and a knack for connection with horse and human, Byron has turned a large part of his focus into Emotional Intelligence training workshops and horsemanship clinics. As a clinician, he feels continually challenged and encouraged to do more. His background in stock horse and reined cow horse training, gives him a well rounded and balanced approach that helps reach people of all disciplines. This combined with his psychological approach has helped riders to find confidence in learning advanced maneuvers and refinement.
Growing up in a family of dysfunction Byron realized he was one of the only ones to "make it out" not dead or in prison. He attributed a large part of this to the lessons learned from Wild Horses. Via his Emotional Intelligence Workshops he has created a truly transformational experience for people in all sectors including teachers, coaches, businesses and more.
Today, Byron continues in his pursuit of world class horsemanship, performance, competition, and has a feverish drive to develop more emotional intelligence training.

"The quality of your relationships are a direct correlation to the quality of your life, whether horses or human"
~Byron Hogan~